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This isn't because a water softener can't do a good job, but simply because there may be contaminants in your water that a water softener isn't made to remove. PSTA began interacting with passengers and the public via social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Potential Reasons For a Prefilter DIRT, SEDIMENT AND SAND IN WATER If the water entering your home looks milky, hazy or cloudy, you may have dirt, sand, sediment, clay, silt, industrial waste, or other team associated b64 organic substances in your water. The system works with GPS technology and allows PSTA to pinpoint each vehicle's exact location at all times. A whole house prefilter can play an important role in preventing dirt, sand and other large particles from entering your home's water supply and potentially damaging the fine moving parts and the water softening media inside your water softener.

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